Our Performance

Osprey Housing  is committed to improving services and we continually review our performance by setting ourselves Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which are reviewed by our Board on a quarterly basis. We aim to improve performance year on year. The Scottish Housing Regulator’s Scottish Social Housing Charter requires us to  keep our tenants informed as to how we perform as a landlord.

The Scottish Housing Regulator introduced The Scottish Social Housing Charter in 2013 and released a list of Charter Indicators for RSL’s. Part of the Charter is to keep our tenants informed with how we perform as a landlord.

This table concentrates on areas that we know are important to you.

Our latest Tenant report is available here -  ARC Tenant report

To compare Osprey Housing's performance with other similar organsations go to with - here


Rent Collection   102.74% 98.93% 98.73% 100.37%
Gross Rent Arrears   2.78% 3.47% 4.61% 4.24%
Average void relet days   27.2 days 33.93 days 31.10 days 26.15 days
% Void loss   0.65% 0.72% 0.55% 0.44%
Average length of time taken to complete emergency repairs   2.31 hours 2.53 hours 2.44 hours 2.34 hours
Average length of time taken to complete non-emergency repairs   7.90 days 7.38 days 7.38  days 6.16  days