Aberdeen Cluster Advice

August 2020

Please find below the latest Q and A information from NHS Grampian regarding the Aberdeen cluster. Hopefully this will provide you with further clarity.

What is a close contact of a case?

To be considered a close contact you would be any one of the following –

  • A household contact – someone who lives in the same house but this would also include anyone who stayed overnight in the same house as a case without physical distancing. A household is not always a family this includes flatmates. A sexual contact who does not live in the same house would also be considered in this category.
  • Have face to face contact
  • Any contact within 1m for any length of time
  • Any contact within 2m for more than 15 minutes 

Not all close contacts of COVID-19 cases develop symptoms but these individuals are at the highest risk transmitting infection therefore self-isolation will help to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within the community.

Why are all possible contacts not advised to self-isolate?

Only close contacts are asked to self-isolate. It is not possible to identify all contacts e.g. those on public transport at the same time this is why it is very important for us all to take heed of measures to protect ourselves and our community.

What happens if I have a positive test?

The Test & Protect team will speak with you and gather information on your potential contacts in the category above. They will then contact those identified by you and in some cases from any venues you have visited. Based on the information gathered anyone who is identified as a close contact will then be contacted and advised of this. The Test & Protect team will identify any contacts of work colleagues in all settings. 

What happens if I am identified as a close contact?

You will be told by Test & Protect to self-isolate at home for 14 days. You should not seek a test, either from the NHS system or the airport testing site. A test at this stage is of absolutely no value. If you had a negative test you would still have to isolate for 14 days. If during this 14-day period you develop symptoms, then you should arrange to have a test. 

What should I do if I have not yet been contacted by test and protect but believe I have been a close contact of a positive case?

If you haven’t been contacted by the Test and Protect Team you can be reassured that you have not been a close contact of a case.

I have been in contact with someone who has been in close contact with a positive case, what should I do?

You should carry on as normal.

What should I do if I find out on social media or other sources that I was in the same location as a positive case?

As above the Test and Protect team will contact those who are identified as a close contacts. If you have not been contacted but provided your details to the venue it is unlikely you would be regarded as a close contact and you can carry on your normal activities.

If I wear a mask/face covering in public will I be identified as a close contact?

Wearing a mask/face covering will not necessarily stop you being identified as a close contact.

We do ask that everyone complies with the national policy on face coverings in the community and the extended wearing of masks/face coverings in the hospital environment as there is evidence this may help prevent spread of infection from those who may be pre-symptomatic i.e. infected but not showing symptoms or asymptomatically infected.

I’ve previously had COVID-19 will I be asked to self-isolate if I am identified as a close contact of a positive case?

Yes, as the long-term response to infection is yet to be established including whether there is any lasting immunity or protection from a previous infection, it is assumed that there is no immunity to re-infection. Anyone who has tested previously positive and develops new symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should also follow the immediate self-isolation advice and arrange a repeat test.

Should I be tested if I am a close contact of a COVID-19 case?

Unless you have symptoms you should not request a test. If you are self-isolating and at any point in the 14 days develop symptoms you should request a test. A negative test at any point in the self-isolation period does not allow the individual to stop self-isolating. You must complete the 14 days as this is the incubation period of the virus before leaving self-isolation.

Do I need to self-isolate if a member of my household has been advised to self-isolate as a close contact?

No, there is no requirement for you to self-isolate unless anyone in your household becomes symptomatic or you yourself are advised to by a contact tracer.

I am moving to Aberdeen City, do these restrictions stop me from moving?

Currently essential travel to Aberdeen City is permitted for work purposes.

A household member works in one of the identified establishments, what should I do?

You can carry on as normal but be vigilant about symptoms. If your household member develops symptoms they should get tested. You do not need a test at this stage.

I am currently outwith Aberdeen City, can I return to my home in the City?

Yes, you may return to your home, but you must follow the up-to-date Aberdeen restrictions on travel.

I am currently in Aberdeen City visiting family or on holiday, do I need to immediately leave?

No, you do not need to cut your trip short, but you must follow all recommendations relating to Aberdeen restrictions and take extra care when you return home.

I live in Aberdeen City and I have planned a holiday, can I go?

No, please refer to the up-to-date Aberdeen restrictions on travel.

I care for a child, and one of us lives in Aberdeen City, can this continue?

Yes, you can continue to care for the child as this is not classed as leisure or recreation.

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