Introducing PayFrom Bank

November 2023

About PayFrom Bank – what are the key benefits

 Secure payment method - Works similar to making purchases online where you have to authenticate and verify transactions
 Doesn’t store any of your details
 Free and easy for anyone to use who has online banking
 Most Banks included
 Payments sent immediately

What is PayFrom Bank?
PayFrom Bank is a highly secure online payment method, enabling payments direct from your bank. Making a payment involves the following steps:

1. You will be able to select this payment method at the checkout page on our website.
2. You will be asked to select your bank.
3. You will be redirected to your bank where you will be prompted to verify and authenticate your identity using your bank’s standard authentication process.
4. PayFrom Bank will then initiate the payment with your bank.
5. You will be issued a payment initiation confirmation and re-directed back to our website.

PayFrom Bank is a payment solution, enabled by the UK Open Banking initiative, with no charges associated with it for our customers. PayFrom Bank is developed by Mastercard for Lloyds Bank Plc. Lloyds Banking Plc is an FCA regulated company (119278) authorised to act as a Payment Initiation Service Provider. Visit for further details.

Is PayFrom Bank and Open Banking secure?
Yes. PayFrom Bank can only initiate a payment if you give us your consent to do so. The technology that we use to communicate with your bank is highly secure. Open Banking is as secure as your online banking. There is no storage of your data and the authentication element of the journey is undertaken by your bank directly, PayFrom Bank redirects you to your bank to input your online banking credentials and has no access to these.

Can anyone use PayFrom Bank?
Yes, it is available to anyone registered for digital banking (either through online banking or a mobile banking app) with a UK bank that has been onboarded to PayFrom Bank. As at January 2021 there are 22 banks onboarded to PayFrom Bank, but this list will continue to grow.

Can PayFrom Bank be used 24/7?
Yes, the PayFrom Bank service is available 24/7 except where maintenance windows have been defined. (The ability to connect and interact with a bank is dependent on the availability of their services, which is beyond our control.)

How do I get help using PayFrom Bank?
If you have a payment dispute: Please follow the standard approach for a payment dispute and speak to your bank who will investigate the payment/transaction on your behalf. If you have a technical query or a concern with the PayFrom Bank service: Please contact us and we will assist: 01224 548000.

I am not re-directed to select my bank, what should I do?
Once you have selected to pay via PayFrom Bank in our checkout page you should be re-directed to the bank selection screen. If for some reason you are not re-directed please contact us and we will assist: 01224 548000.

How long does it take for my payment to be made?
The payment will generally be sent immediately by your bank as soon as the transaction completes. However, it depends on your bank’s processes and therefore it could take a few hours to be processed and sent to the Merchant’s bank account (as per the Faster Payment Scheme’s service terms).

How do I know if my payment was successful?
After you have authenticated the transaction via your online bank account you will be re-directed to a payment initiation success screen, with a transaction reference. This indicates that the payment has been initiated and your bank has successfully started to process the payment.