Internal Audit Services – Tender invite

October 2023

Osprey are an ambitious, dynamic, caring housing and service provider with a clear vision of “making a difference every day”.  

Osprey Housing has approx. 1800 social rented homes across the North East of Scotland with a growth ambition to continuing developing more and better homes whilst delivering continually improved services for our tenants and customers. 

With a focus on quality, we aim to provide a range of great homes in great places where people want to live - helping support and contribute to communities throughout Aberdeenshire, Moray and the City of Aberdeen.  

To support Ospreys continual drive for improvement our internal audit services are an integral part of this process of ensuring good practice is embedded and good outcomes for our tenants.   

We invite tenders to provide internal audit services, with a close date of 23rd October 2023.  Please see attached ITT document for full details.